collection of tools and writings by Nirav, a computer programmer
I like to make things, and I like to write about making things. I enjoy building intricate, complex systems that deliver a beautiful user experience.
This is some of my stuff.

This is a cool keyboard I made to practice the ancient art of hand-crafted bespoke keyboard building.

Nirav in his natural habitat, writing code in a cozy room.

मनसा is a Nepali programming language. I wrote the compiler and, a rudimentary IDE in Electron.js, and Arduino-compatibility.

Flappy Milennial
A game I made in a weekend. It's a clone of Flappy Bird, but with a twist.

Octopus Game
This game engine and a prototype game.
A compact 8 key macropad I made with Simon. My first keyboard project.
Playdate Calendar
A Nepali calendar app for the Playdate handheld game console.

Dot Matrix Display
This DMD project was a lot of fun.

Router UPS
A simple, yet effective, power backup system for the Router.